

Netflix将把科幻奇幻类电影和节目作为开发重心 - 电视剧


根据Ampere Analysis数据,科幻和奇幻已经成为Netflix在2018年第一季度原创节目中最受欢迎的节目类型,同时Netflix也在努力增加该类型作品数量以满足用户需求。

<b>BLACK MIRROR</b> <br /> <br /> <b>Network:</b> Netflix <br /> <br /> Created by Charlie Brooker and debuting on BBC's Channel 4 before migrating to Netflix, Black Mirror is largely credited with sparking the current anthology TV craze. The series is very much in the vein of The Twilight Zone, offering sci-fi oriented stories with an undercurrent of dark humor. Each episode tends to deal in some way with the relationship between humanity and modern technology. While the segments tell standalone stories, rumors persist about certain fan-favorites receiving sequels or potentially even full-fledged spinoffs. Season 4 was recently released. There's no official word on a Season 5 just yet, but it seems almost a certainty considering the show's popularity.

据悉,这一类型的作品有望在Netflix即将发行的原创作品中占据29%,当然,有了《怪奇物语(Stranger Things)》、《副本(Altered Carbon)》、《黑镜(Black Mirror)》等等优秀先例,Netflix做出这样的决定并不令人意外。




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